Review Rating:
Best for: Improved Digestion and More Energy
Click here to buy direct (best price)
No Risk – 60 day money back guarantee
Transparency disclosure: for each person who buys this product by clicking a link on this page, receives a small percentage of the sale. I would strongly recommend this product without compensation, but I want you to know all the potential motivations for writing this review. Transparency rules!
United Naturals is a digestive health company started in 2017 by a Canadian founder. Their first product is Synbiotic 365 which contains a novel blend of probiotics, prebiotics and B vitamins.
Based on my 9 years running, this is one the most carefully researched probiotic blends I’ve ever found. It’s well suited to digestive health, plus it supports vitamin B deficiencies that are common in people with digestive issues.
Synbiotic 365 is a very innovative “3-in-1” product for digestive health.
I interviewed the Canadian founder of United Naturals about how he become interested in digestive health. He said that his initial interest in digestive health came from his girlfriend who was having life-destroying digestive issues.
He started looking into what might help her digestive health, and landed on probiotics. Laboratory testing also found that her vitamin B levels (B12 and B6 were most deficient) were quite depleted. And because she was having issues digesting vegetables containing prebiotics, her digestive health was further boosted by taking a prebiotic.
Even though this combination of probiotics/prebiotics/B vitamins worked well for his girlfriend digestive issues, United Natural’s founder wanted to make sure it was the perfect digestive health formula. So he teamed up with Dr. Vincent Pedre out of New York to perfect the the Sybiotic 365 formula.
Dr. Vincent Pedre specializes in internal medicine and was educated at Cornell university. Dr. Vincent Pedre brought out his extensive medical knowledge and experience to create the optimum digestive health formula. This new formula reflects the latest probiotic and digestive research. And this product may be your best chance for better digestive health.
In this part of the review we’re going to break down every single ingredient that this product has.
I’m very impressed with the large range of highly research probiotic strains in this product. I’ll go over the dosage and individual strains below.
This United Naturals probiotic has 20 Billion CFU in each capsule. And if you’ve downloaded our probiotics buying guide, you know that that’s a great starting dose of probiotics.
This “Goldilocks CFU” is the highest dose I recommend to people buying their first probiotic…it’s a good dose that reduces the chance of side effects, yet it’s strong enough for most people to have symptomatic relief. And if someone wants a higher dose, they can take multiple capsules, spaced throughout the day.
This product has 15 different probiotic strains in it. Each one of these strains is extensively researched and have research supported digestive health benefits. Additionally, many of these probiotic strains also have immunity and anti-allergy health benefits.
This product contains 350 mg of chicory root inulin. This is a high quality plant derived prebiotic and is very well researched.
Update: Synbiotic 365 no longer contains folic acid – it only has methylfolate.
An extremely common B vitamin deficiency for people who have digestive issues is B12 deficiency. Because of that, Sybiotics 365 has 1000% of the daily value of this nutrient.
For the following B vitamins, this product contains 200% of the daily value:
People can have all sorts of health problems from thinning hair, all the way to extreme fatigue by being deficient in B vitamins. So I like that this product supports those aspects of our health as well.
The inactive ingredients are hypromellose and rice hull concentrate.
I know for a fact rice hull concentrate is safe unless you have a rice allergy which is quite rare.
I looked into hypromellose and I couldn’t find any credible evidence that there is anything unsafe about it. There were some crazy hippie blogs saying it was bad, but those blogs did not show any evidence or sources for why it is bad or unhealthy. I took this product and didn’t notice any effects myself.
United Naturals made this probiotic to be consumable for people with food allergies and sensitives. Please see the allergen information below.
The founder told me that this product is gluten free, and people with Celiac’s disease have not had negative reactions to the product. I have a very good friend with Celiac’s disease, so I’m glad he can take this product without fear.
This product contains no diary or lactose. The manufacturer of this product says that some dairy is used in culturing the probiotic strains. But only extremely trace levels of dairy should be present. The founder says that there have been no complaints or issues for people who are dairy free.
There aren’t any eggs, nuts or soy in this product. There is also no cross-contamination of these allergens.
None of the ingredients in this supplement contain genetically modified organisms (GMO’s).
The starting dosage for Sybiotic 365 is just 1 capsule per day. I like to take the capsule on an empty stomach with 8oz of water.
Yes! I really respect companies that give a money back guarantee. That shows that the company believes 100% in their product. And for you, there is no risk in trying this product.
The internet is a big place, and there is always a chance people are counterfeiting the product or running another type of scam. To avoid any chance of scams, buy directly from the company at
I didn’t have any issues with this product. The ingredients are clean and the research behind them looks sound. No complaints from me.
I called their company after hours, left a message and got a call back early the next day. I think that’s very responsive and reasonable.
The best place to purchase this product is direct from the manufacturer. You can buy just 1 box, or, you can get a large discount by ordering ordering multiple boxes.
Review Rating:
Best for: Digestive Health
Click here to buy direct (best price)
No Risk – 60 day money back guarantee
Leer este Reseña de Synbiotic 365 en español
Want to buy the best probiotics for you and your health? Then you should click here to download the Probiotics Buying Guide.
I just purchased a large supply of Synbiotic 365 and have taken 1 per day for the past 5 days. I stopped Prilosec and all other antacids. I have a long history of ulcers, gerd, stress, anxiety and overeating. Basically that’s all in the past. I’m 76 and in good health. I exercise regularly, eat healthy but still have night time munchies. I’m feeling very positive about using Synbiotic. Is there any benefit to increasing my dosage by adding one more pill per day?
Hi Orrin,
There is a greater risk of probiotic side effects by taking more than 1 pill per day. But, if it works for you without side effects, I say full steam ahead.
Evan Jerkunica
Just ordered Dr. Vincent Pedre’s Symbiotic 365. Many reviews about this probiotics were mostly neutral. Did see one ingredient, cyanide (shortened term) causing concern from one reviewer. After reading several reviews, I like yours best. Looks like @ 880 + views so far. I’m motivated to give Symbiotic 365 a fair trial for 90-Days. Time will tell. “I gut this!”
Hi DiAnne,
I posted a picture of the ingredients…there is no cyanide lol.
B12 is cyanocobalamin – not cyanide…
B3 is niacinamide – also not cyanide…
Reviewers need to have some scientific literacy – geeze.
That’s like saying methylfolate is methamphetamine…when methylfolate is a great nutrient found in green leafy vegetables.
Evan Jerkunica
I just had a baby 3 months ago. I had c section, I already had problem on my stomach. But I’m worried that my problem came back it hurts on the left side thinking that is my instestines. My question is it save to drink while you are breast feeding. I used to drink Prilosec but since I’m breastfeeding I can’t take that type of meds. I just so much discomfort and I was thinking of trying this? It’s safe for kids as well?thanks
Hi Julissa,
I would ask your doctor to make sure if it’s okay for you in your situation. I haven’t heard of any issues personally, but always check with your doctor.
To your heath,
Evan Jerkunica
how many doses are in a box?
Hi Rob,
There are 30 doses in each box – enough for 30 days.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi Evan Is there anywhere in Canada that I can purchase this product?
Hi Gillian,
Yes! They will ship Synbiotic 365 right to your door.
You should click here to order in it Canada.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is this product safe to take daily long term. Can you ever get to much bacteria??
Hi Dean,
I don’t think there are any known issues to taking a probiotic “long term”.
I would be sure to address other lifestyle factors that affect your health as well though.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is it ok to take a daily multivitamin pill along with Symbiotic pill?
Hi Carl,
The only way to say for sure is to ask a doctor. That doctor will know any medical conditions that you have, and he/she will know the exact multivitamin you are taking.
Then, your doctor can make an informed decision.
For most people I believe the negative risk of interaction is extremely low, but I can’t say for sure. You would have to speak with a doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is symbiotic 365 endorsed by a gut dr
Hi Mary S Brookover,
Yes, Synbiotic 365 is endorsed by Dr. Vincent Pedre. Dr. Vincent Pedre specializes in internal medicine (and gut health is one aspect of that). He was educated at Cornell university.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is this product safe for kids? 13 yr old
Hi Florence Johnson-bailey,
The only way to be sure is to ask your doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Will Synbiotic 365 interfere with the vitamins i’m already taking?
Hi Carol Collins,
I don’t know what vitamins you are taking – so I can’t say for sure. To be 100% sure, ask your doctor.
But, I can say is that the only possibility would be having too much of B vitamin complex. But the risk is considered pretty low
Again – to be sure, check with your doctor when taking new supplements. Especially if you have health problems already.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
How many tablets or capsules in 1 box?
Hi Dr. Gideon Nwatu,
There are 30 capsules in blister packaging. That is enough for 30 days.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi I am 25 years old and am healthy allready. I am taking these to help with my general health and to possibly clear up my acne from bad bacteria in my body. Were i am young I was wondering if it is ok to take one of these supplements every 2 days instead of every day?
Hi Jordan,
I would strongly recommend you begin with the recommended dose. Once your body gets accustomed to that dose, then you can take a second capsule – say every other day. Once you’ve done that, then you can up the dose to 2 capsules a day if you’re not getting any probiotic overdose effects.
Remember that health is a marathon – not a sprint. Slow and steady will win the race to health.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have been taking Synbiotic 365 for just over 30 days I started my second box three days ago and I like how this product is working in my body. My digestive system feels happy. I am overweight and have been for years and I noticed since I have been taking this product I do not require much to eat. Oh I eat something for breakfast and again at mid-day but then I am done. I might has a small snack fruit or some chocolate but my appetite has curved greatly. My energy level has increased also. I was planning to continue taking the product but should I stop at some point?
Hi Jojo,
That’s a great question. And the short answer is that I don’t think there is any proven harm to taking a supplement like Synbiotic 365 long term. I know that anecdotally some health practitioners like to cycle probiotic supplements, say every 3 months. But I also know that anecdotally many patients don’t feel as well when they’re off those supplements…so they suffer until they go back onto the original supplement.
I’m a big believer in trying to understand why a supplement is helping me, and then bring those things into my life through diet or lifestyle changes. If I can figure out what those things are, then I’ll replace the supplement with those new foods, exercise or lifestyle changes.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I am on week 2 of using product and have already been blessed with reduced stomach bloating and not taking Prilosec anymore – I feel so much better. Question: how many calories and are there any carbs? Neither are listed on label and I track both.
Thank you.
Hi Dee,
I’m glad to hear you’re feeling better.
I don’t think this product is a significant source of calories. Calories come in carbohydrates, fats and proteins…and this product doesn’t have any of those.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is this product safe while breastfeeding?
Hi Rachel,
You should ask your doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I reordered 6 more boxes (for the significant savings of Synbiotic 365 which appears to help my slow intestines and therefore my bowel movements. I an fairly pleased with how this probiotic has helped with that issue. After I placed my order another page popped up to buy Enzyme 365. This came yesterday and I can’t remember what benefits this offers plus when should I take this supplement?
Hi Linda,
Enzyme 365 is an enzyme that improves digestion of food for people who are deficient in some or all enzymes.
I would personally take a capsule in the middle of a meal, but it’s best to go by the directions that are printed on the bottle.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is the preparation, including the capsule, vegetarian?
Hi Cecilia,
Yes it is. The capsule is made of cellulose.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
If I started the 365 probiotics today, when can I safely stop taking omeprazole for acid reflux.
Hi Pam,
That is a great question for a doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
is it vegan
Hi Briana,
Yes it is vegan/vegetarian.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have a 10 year old daughter who is currently taking antibiotics for atopic dermatitis, a condition she has suffered her entire life. Is she old enough to take this product?
Hi David,
There are lots of research studies with children taking probiotics. But, your daughter’s case may be different, so I’d recommend checking with your doctor.
To your daughter’s health,
Evan Jerkunica
I am interested in purchasing Synbiotic365
I do take a lot of medications, plavix, 325 asprin, crestor, bystolic, accupril, ranexa, xanax, omeprazole, zofran, nitro sublingual and nitro patch, d3
are any of these contraindicated with Synbiotic365?
I am a cardiac patient 4xcabg plus 11 stents, anxiety, stomach and esophagus spasms.
I’d like to order. I have the video on hold. I sure hope I can get an answer asap.
Hi Patty,
I’m sorry I can’t say for sure. You would have to speak with your doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Can the Synbiotic 365 be kept in the fridge
Hi Susan,
Yes it can. I would recommend either keeping it in the fridge or keeping it outside of the fridge. If you leave it out for an hour and then put it back in, then condensation can happen which can decrease the potency of the probiotic.
It doesn’t matter if you do it a few times, but if you have large temperature swings every day, then that can affect the potency over time.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Can you take synbiotic 365 along with Garcinia Cambodia. I also bought Enzyme 365.
Hi Jody,
WebMD says Garcinia cambogia may interact badly with:
Probiotics, prebiotics and B vitamins are not listed as reacting badly with Garcinia cambogia. So I don’t think there are any known bad interactions with Synbiotic 365’s ingredients. But, to be safe, it’s always best to ask a doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
My name is Gary Rose I have Parkinson Disease for the last fourteen years. Do you have opinion that having a leaky gut could cause a lack of Dopamine to be produce to the brain. Does the Vagus Nerve have anything to do with having tremors.
Hi Gary,
I’m sorry I don’t know. I would speak with a doctor or look for research studies on Parkinson’s disease.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is it safe to take 365 when you have diabetes?
Hi Sasha,
You should ask your doctor. I haven’t heard of any bad interactions between diabetes and probiotics/prebiotics/b vitamins, but always ask your doctor to be sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I bought Synbiotic 365 and Enzyme 365 but didn’t get get equal qty. I don’t see where to buy refills of just Enzyme 365. Ideas?
Hi Wes,
I’m glad they’re working for you.
You can buy more at
Evan Jerkunica
hi, My name is Maurice and I was wondering if the United Naturals product is safe. I was looking into your product and I saw that “United naturals” was not listed as a certified company with the “Better Business Bureau” I was wondering why they aren’t certified.
Hi Maurice,
I can tell you that my dealings with the founder have been good. They honor their return policy and have a very good bunch of products.
I will suggest to the founder that he should get certified with the BBB.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Are there any mushrooms in this product? I am allergic to them.
Hi Barbara,
I checked with the company and there are no mushrooms in this product.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi Mary,
You can use click here to check the price.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I would like to try the Synbiotic 365 but I am currently thanking blood pressure and cholesterol medications.How would synbiotic react with these meds..
Hi Millicent,
You would need to ask your doctor/pharmacist to be sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I takeAlign which is a probiotic supplement should I discontinue this since I just started Syn. 365?
Hi Faye,
I would take probiotic products 1 at a time so you can see which one works better.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Does this product help in weight loss? Can it be used for weight loss? Does it curb the appetite or burn fat in the body?
Hi Sharon,
There is evidence that probiotics can help with weight loss.
But, I don’t think this company claims that.
That being said, I have read some customer testimonials where Synbiotic 365 customers said they lost over 5 lbs of weight after starting to take this product.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Can you mix this product if your taking other medications?
Hi John,
You have to check with your doctor to be sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I am really interested in your product, do you deliver to Canada?
Hi Gabriela,
Yes, you can get it delivered to Canada.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have read that it is more important to take prebiotic to feed your probiotics ! That taking probiotics is a waste of time and money, if they can’t feed on prebiotics ?
Hi Frank,
This product contains prebiotics.
A probiotics product doesn’t has to have prebiotics to be effective. With the right diet, you can get enough prebiotics. But few people eat that way!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Does it contain iodine or seafood product?
Hi Sarah,
No it does not.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi, when is the best time to take this pill? Morning or nights? Thanks.
Hi Sandra,
I would take it on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning.
You can also try taking it right after you’ve had breakfast…but I would generally take it first thing in the morning.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
My name is Vanessa I would like to get this for my daughter and son but I would like to speak to someone
Hi Vanessa,
The phone number for United Naturals is 844-794-7728.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I would like to try this product but I would like to know the ingredients. Does this product contain garlic or onion in any form? Is it purely vegan?
Thank you
Hi Happy,
Garlic and onion are not listed as ingredients. It is a vegan product.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I was wondering if’s pregnant women can take this probiotic?
Thank you!
Hi Janey,
There are research studies with pregnant women using probiotics safely.
But, you should always ask your doctor if it’s okay for you to take a supplement. You could have specific health conditions that make it a bad idea for you to take certain supplements.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I am taking and have been taking a prebiotic for over a year. They have taken heart burn away completely. I stoped all ainacids, I did purchase 6 month supply of symbiotic 365 and want to try them. Should I take them with or without my prebiotic.
Hi Kathe,
Synbiotic 365 has a prebiotic in it. So if you took your normal prebiotic with it, then you could have too much prebiotic. Too much prebiotic can cause bloating.
I would try just taking the Synbiotic 365 by itself. Then, after a few weeks, I would add in the prebiotic every other day. If you still felt okay, you could take the prebiotic every day.
You’ll have to experiment a bit and find what works for you.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Was interested until I noticed the B vitamins are synthetic and not bioavailable for the body. This is the cheap version of B12, Cyanocobalamin. I expected the higher quality Methylcobalamin or Hydroxycobalamin.
Hi Valdoria,
I just spoke with the manufacturer, and they use Methylcobalamin.
I’ve updated the review article to reflect that!
Thank you for pointing that out.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I cannot swallow pills. Could I open the capsules and mix with something?
Hi Matonna,
Yes – that should be okay. You want to mix it with cold water – not hot or boiling.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have had digestive problems my entire life. Runs in the family. I have been taking the product for a little over a week. 1st week could tell my body was getting rid of all the toxins and poisons. By day 6 I have been having reg. Bm’s and I am gaining energy every day. No more omeprazole problems. No heartburn or acid reflux at night. Thank you for a no nonsense resolution.
Hi Libby,
That’s great! Congratulations!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi Dan,
It’s important to ask your doctors if that is okay to take.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
What form is you B9 Folate? folic acid, methyl folate? its a deal breaker and you don’t specify. :(
Hey John,
With regards to B9, this product has:
There is a nutrition facts image up top. You can see it here:
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Do I need to continue taking Super B complex if I am taking Synbiotic 365?
Hi Jennifer,
I would double check that you aren’t overdoing the B vitamins.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is this a capsule or pill? Is this live bacteria? My understanding of efficacy is that the bacteria must be live.
Thank you,
Kathleen C.
Hi Kathleen,
Synbiotic is a capsule that contains live probiotics.
The probiotics are freeze dried in a very careful way to make them hibernate or go dormant…but they are still alive.
Once the probiotics get into your intestines, they wake up and become active again. The heat and moisture of your intestines wakes up the probiotics again and then they go to work.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is there supposed to be Chicory root in Synbiotic 365 or is that separate?
Hi Joe,
Yes, chicory root is in Synbiotic 365.
Chicory root is s a prebiotic that contains inulin. Inulin helps your digestion by:
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I just ordered them and are now reading comments on the so if i take the 3 boxes for 3 months and then stop taking them then will my body react badly because i dont want to be on this pill forver
Hi Alena,
This product is not habit forming.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I was scheduled for a colonoscopy on May 1st, 2019. My 6 month bout with diarrhea warranted a look see. I decided to try Synbiotic365. It has been nearly three weeks. I have no more diarrhea and the Dr canceled the colonoscopy. Works for me!! Thank you to United Naturals.
Hi Carol,
Thank you for sharing.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Just received my synbiotic 365, my question is I take royal jelly, a daily vitamin, garlic, and fish oil daily, are these ok to take along with symbiotic 365 or which ones should I not take?
Hi Dee,
I would speak with a doctor to be sure. Only thing that sounds like it could potentially not be great is, you want to check how much B vitamin is in your vitamin supplement, so you don’t take too many B vitamins.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
hello i am considering purchasing a 3 month supply to start off, but I am concerned about the chicory root, I read on a google search that it can cause stomach upset and other gastro related symptoms, what are the benefits of including chicory root if it is questionable? at least to me.
Hi Brenda,
Chicory root is a prebiotic. It is like fertilizer for the probiotics you take. So it amplifies the effect of taking probiotics.
Chicory root also helps relieve constipation and improves digestion.
I wouldn’t expect the amount in this probiotic to cause side effects. It’s a pretty small dose of prebiotics.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
how many come in a box/ package
Hi RaKay,
There are 30 in each box.
Each capsule comes in a blister pack – so they are quite fresh.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
This product’s formula looks great. I am hesitant only because the company that manufactures it is relatively new and does not have a track record in the supplement field. How do I know for sure that this product actually contains what it says it does?
Hi Cynthia,
The only way to know for sure would be to do a very expensive chemical analysis on the product.
At the end of the day, if a product does what you want it to do, it’s a good product. If it doesn’t, it’s a bad product.
And just because a company is old and trusted, doesn’t mean it can’t be corrupted.
Likewise, I new company can be better than an old company because it has newer, more effective ideas.
But ultimately, if the product makes you healthier, that’s what matters. Otherwise I’d return it.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Dr. Vincent Pedre, you have United Naturals make the product. Are you sure the product stays the way you made it through United Naturals? I ask this because Brian Scott Peskin had a very oustanding product that he made an agreement to produce it, but in time the product was not what had been agreed by Mr. Peskin and the company that agreed to produce it according to his formula. I know as I tried it and I am still using the formula. Brian Scott Peskin had to get another company to produce it. All that were taking his product called him because we could see by using the product something was not happening. You are a doctor Mr. Peskin is a scientist and you do not have time to produce your product so you use a company to make it. I understand but in buying a product I need to know if there is ever change. Sincerely, Mary Ulsh
Hi Mary,
I can’t speak for Dr. Vincent Pedre, but I believe that he is in contact with United Naturals most weeks.
I know they have even made refinements to existing products over time…so they must work closely together.
I know they are continuing to develop new products together…so that makes me believe that Dr. Pedre is happy with the partnership.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have been using Synbiotic 365 and I like it very much. Of my order I give a box to my daughter in-law. She really needs it but I think she should take more. My precious daughter in-law is very tired and works nine hours a day. The company she works for wanted her to sign a contract that she would not retire or quit. She is very much honored by the company she works for. You said that taking more than one capsule would be fine but I need to know how it could be done before I talk to her. I read how United Naturals and Dr. Pedre got together. That makes me very comfortable. There one vitamin B not in the formula and that is B4. It is a very important vitamin. I feel every person should use Synbiotic 365 as it will help EVERY ONE. Sincerely, Mary Ulsh
Hi Mary,
Wow – that must be great to have that sort of job security, what an honor!
As long as she doesn’t have any health problems or organ problems, it’s probably okay to maybe take a 2nd pill. But, she should tread very carefully. If problems begin to develop, it would be wise to cut the dose back down.
Taking too much of a probiotic can be worse than taking none at all:
To your health (and your daughter-in-law’s health),
Evan Jerkunica
I love this product! I have been taking it for 3 solid weeks and my acid re flux is gone. I don’t have any more bloating, I’ve lost weight and my gut feels better than it has in five years. That daily nagging discomfort in my gut and bloating no longer are part of my life. I also seem to have more energy. I have not experienced any side effects what so ever. I bought a 90 day supply
but I intend to order more if everything continue to go well.
Hi Bernie,
That’s what I like to hear!! Must be a great feeling :)
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have been taken it in the morning with a cup of coffee is this ok
Hi James,
That’s probably fine. But if the coffee is very hot, you could “burn” the probiotics and decrease their effectiveness.
But, I think it’s better to take it on a empty stomach with a glass of water.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I noticed a lot of people asks very important questions about the product safety to kids or mixed with other vitamins or medicines to other regular people..Can Dr Pedre answer all?? He tested,experimented and made the product…WHERE ARE YOU HIDING MR DR PEDRE..PEOPLE HAVE CONCERNES..NEED YOU TO ANSWER IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!
Hi Ela,
A good doctor, like Dr. Pedre, won’t give universal medical advice to everyone over the internet. Saying things like “eat vegetables” is fine of course, but it gets more complicated when drugs are involved.
The reason is that you could have a very specific condition that means that you can’t mix a specific drug and a specific supplement.
That’s why he can’t say something like “yes it’s 100% safe in all cases to take drug X with supplement Y”. Saying things like that could get people killed or make people sick.
That’s why you should check with a doctor when you’re mixing drugs with supplements. Or, maybe you should be careful about mixing too many supplements together if you have certain organ failures or weakness.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I bought the 6 Box deal of the symbiotic 365, along with a single bottle of the Enzyme 365. I’ve been taking the one for 17 days, and the Results are amazing!! I have had stomach issues for many years, but since taking the Symbiotic 365 the Severe Cramping is just about gone!!! My Question is, do I Need to continue to take the Enzyme along with the Symbiotic, or will it work just by itself??… I Also took them both to my Dr, and he said they were ok to take, being they are water soluble…
Hi Patricia,
I would take the probiotics on an empty stomach, and I would take the enzymes towards the middle of a meal. Taking enzymes on an empty stomach might possibly cause problems in the long term according to some research I’ve read.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I ordered Synbiotic 365 and Enzyme 365. Should these be taken together? Does Enzyme 365 amplify the effects of Synbiotic 365? The advertisement for it was not clear in this respect.
I am not going to begin the dosages until I receive your answer. Thank you.
Hi Bobbie,
I take digestive enzymes during a meal.
I would take Synbiotic 365, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
Of course if a health professional or doctor tells you otherwise, you should do what they say.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Just received my blister pack and after reading here can’t wait to get going.
If you know what I mean.
Will be super happy if it’ll help with all digestive concerns I experience.
Fingers crossed bigtime!
Hi Will,
Best of luck! It’s a good product, so your odds are good :)
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
should this product be taken if on long term doxycycline treatment (six months) or should I wait until antibiotic treatment is finished?
Hi Patricia,
In this article here, we discuss the researching showing people likely benefit by taking probiotics during antibiotic treatment.
But, to be sure, you need to ask your doctor if that is the correct course of action in your specific case.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I’ve just ordered the Symbiotic 365 and am beginning my second blister-pack card. I am happy so far. Why are people also taking the Enzyme 365? Isn’t the original Symbiotic 365 enough?
Hi Nicole,
There are some things that enzymes can do that probiotics can’t do.
For example, B12 vitamin, which can be found in red meat, cannot be digested without digestive enzymes. Probiotics would not directly help in digesting B12 from meat.
And the enzymes in Enzyme 365 also help digest fats, proteins and carbohydrates more effectively. Enzyme 365 would be useful if you’re deficient in pancreatic enzymes.
So that’s why it could be useful to take both Enzyme 365 AND Synbiotic 365.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have taken 5 tablets so far and cant see any improvement yet. I have constipation until I take Sendocot and then my stomack totally clears an then nothing until the next bout and so on my doctor suggested sendacot but I cant seem to get the right dose. I am hoping that 365 will get me back on track.
Hi Odelja,
Good luck!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have read many of the reviews but I have not found one that addresses someone who is underweight…Will this make me lose weight? Most people taking this has mentioned losing weight on this
Hi Linda,
You’d have to check with your doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Thanks for the insight and the review— a lot of products out there to choose from so appreciate your effort in educating consumers. Is it ok to continue consuming Kombucha while taking Synbiotic 365 or is it overkill?
Hi Kevin,
I’d probably wait a few weeks before mixing the 2. But it’s probably fine.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hello, I work out 5 days a week and also have MS and take Copaxone three days a week for MS. I also take a baby aspirin, Simvastatin (Lower Cholesterol) and Multi Vitamins. Are those medications OK to take with Synbiotic 365. Thanks, Ben
Hi Benjamin,
You need to ask a doctor to be 100% sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
is this safe for breastfeeding moms
Hi Bre,
There have been loads of probiotic research studies with moms who are breastfeeding. That being said, Synbiotic 365 was not specifically used in those studies. But Synbiotic 365 is probably fine.
As always, you should check with your doctor when you start taking a new supplement, just to be sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
How long before a meal can this be taken? I fast intermittently(2 days a week) and on those days I don’t eat anything until the evening meal. How can I incorporate Symbiotic 365 into this regimen since I don’t eat at all until late in the day. Thank you in advance for an answer
Hi Kathryn,
The key is to take it on an empty stomach. First thing in the morning is typically when the stomach is the most empty.
But if you fast until dinner, then you could take it around then on a very empty stomach.
Synbiotic 365 contains B vitamins, which can increase energy and wakefulness. So, I would not take Synbiotic 365 within 3 hours of sleeping. That’s pretty consistent with Dr. Ben Lynch’s recommendation to not eat after 730pm, assuming a 1030pm bedtime.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi, is it okay for a kid to take these? I want to make sure there aren’t any side effects.
Hi Gabby,
It probably is fine – but you should check with your doctor just in case.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I suffered with IBS for 12 years. I took other probiotics only to throw them away since they did not work. The Dr. told me there was nothing really that could be done about IBS. I saw the advertisement and tried Synbiotic 365 and it was a miracle for me. I have been free of IBS for over 3 months and I will never be without this supplement in my life.. Thank you Dr. Pedre I appreciate you and your staff…
Hi Judith,
Thank you for sharing.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
My wife always had digest problem and we tried all kinds of methods without success. I bought this for my wife but did not have much expectation that it would help her digestive problem. Wow… I was totally wrong. This works really well. She has been taking over the last two weeks and she is so happy. This is totally different probiotics product than others.
Hi Daewon,
Thank you for sharing.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I took this for 6 weeks and lost 15 lbs.! I had so much energy I couldnt believe it! I highly recommend it! I will be ordering more!
Hi April,
That is wild! Thank you for sharing.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I recently received my order and amm wondering if it will hurt to continue taking my B-12 and B Complex that I have been taking. Can I get too much??
Hi Polly,
I read up on this because it was my concern as well. I wasn’t able to find any serious side effects. The best I could find was that if someone has kidney problems, this can be more of an issue — but the website where I found that has since taken down that page.
So I would say that there’s a good chance it’s fine, but you should always check with your doctor to be sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
My wife has had really bad smelling flatulence over the past 5 years, and many nights I had to sleep in another bedroom it was so bad. She tried various probiotics with no significant benefit. Then she purchased you Synbiotic 365 and now … I am sooo happy! She still does some flatulence but the foul smell has all but gone. No more candles, fans and separate bedrooms. I am very happy for you to use my review except I don’t want my name published due to embarrassment for my wife.
Hi K G,
I edited your name for extra privacy :)
Thank you for taking the time to share yours and your wife’s experience.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have been taking Synbiotic 365 for 6 days now and have noticed remarkable relief from cramping and bloating. Energy has increased also. I seem to be losing some weight also which is great because I wanted to drop 10 pounds. My question is will there continue to be weight loss or will it stabilize at some point since I don’t want to lose more than 10-12 pounds. I am i pressed with your product. I had tried other probiotics, but found them ineffectual. I also forget to take them on an empty stomach and end up taking them mid day or later and I think it has been ok (??)
Hi Heldi,
That’s great!
I don’t think the weight loss would continue past an unhealthy point because of this product. In 9.5 years since startng, I haven’t heard of anyone saying that happened to them, or any reports of that happening in the media.
But of course keep an eye on it, and seek medical attention if something goes wrong.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is there any possibility of kidney damage with Synbiotic 356? I’ve taken it for a couple of months and my renal enzymes have gone up a little, but that has happened before I started taking it with a BP med I took. Just wanted to make sure since this is the best product I’ve EVER found for irritable bowel. My doctor is no help.
Hi Jayne,
I’d say if your doctor doesn’t see any ingredients harming your kidneys then it should be fine. But please let me know if you find new information.
I’ve Google’d around and I wasn’t able to find anything negative with probiotics or B vitamins related to kidney issues. So it doesn’t sound like a common problem, but you have to check with your doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have only been taking symbiotic 365 for less than a week, already no more hives, less belching, lost 3 pounds, sleeping good. So far I am very happy.
Hi Melinda,
Right on! Thanks for sharing!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hello, My boyfriend and I have been taking Synbiotic 365 now for 9 days now. Just curious, is it okay to have a cup of coffee afterwards? I usually wait about 30 minutes or should I wait longer? I just want to be certain I’m not degrading the beneficial ingredients. How long should one wait before eating or drinking. Thank you.
Hi Janette,
It’s hard to say exactly how long is enough. But I wouldn’t take it together with hot coffee.
But 30 minutes should be enough – especially if you take the capsule with a nice glass of water.
My gut feels best when I drink coffee after a full breakfast. The food seems to protect from the harshness of the coffee.
So ideally (for me) it would be:
This is the best product I have taken. I was having trouble having pains in my stomach after eating certain foods. My gut was miserable and I felt miserable. I began taking Synbiotic 365 and immediately began feeling better. My acid reflux disappeared and my gut felt wonderful; no more pains and discomfort. I would recommend it to anyone who is having the problem I had.
Hi Bernadette,
So glad to hear it!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I was watching the video and at the very end when he said to press the “next“ Button, it would not work. I pushed and pushed and then it disconnected me from the site. You offered a discount on three and six months packages. How can I still get this discount.
Hi Irene,
You can click here for the best deal on Synbiotic 365.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I really liked this but I need more where do I get it?
Hi Joan,
Click here and it will take you to the page where you can buy more.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Can the capsule be opened and the powder be dissolved in water?
Hi Kara,
Yes that’s fine. Make sure the water is room temperature – hot water will boil the bacteria alive
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I started taking your product recently & after taking one box, I was looking to purchase more. Your product is not a sham like so many others. No I haven’t lost any weight yet, but I do feel better & I am so glad that I discovered your site. Is there a way to sign up to get this automatically shipped to me every month? Please send me an email & let me know how to get on an automatic monthly or two month shipment? Your product don’t smell funny or upset my stomach like many others. I was running out. Originally I was afraid to purchase more than two months supply. Thank you for selling this product.
Hi Janice,
Yes you can get them auto-delivered – and you’ll save nearly 10% off the normal price when you do.
Here’s a photo of where you should click:

Is this product gluten free?
Hi Linda,
Yes it is. I’ve heard that people with celiacs were able to take the product without problems.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi, I just received my product today and can’t wait to start tomorrow. I have a lot of bloating and gas. Can’t wait to see how it will works. I have changed my whole diet as well
Hi Brenda,
That’s great – best of luck!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Why would you recommend taking 3 in 1 symbiotic 365, before breakfast? Wouldn’t it be better before going to bed as the body repairs itself?
Hi James,
The idea is that when you take it before breakfast, you have the least amount of food in your intestines – so everything in Synbiotic 365 is more likely to be absorbed.
Also – Synbiotic 365 has B vitamins which can make you a bit too energetic before bed. They aren’t as strong as caffeine, but for that reason I would not take these ~2 hours before bed.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
In your above response to Jordan, the 25 year old, I believe you misunderstood her question and I would actually like to know your take on it. She wanted to know if after an initial period of taking 1 pill everyday, would it be effective still if she then changed to taking 1 pill every other day (a change from 7 pills a week to 3 or 4 per week). What is your understanding?
Hi Deb,
You’re right – I did misread it.
There’s no way to know for sure. That person could try taking it 3-4 times a week, and see how it works.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I am thinking about ordering the 365 product but want to know if the effectiveness is decreased in shipment during the warm summer months? Are these shipped in any kind of a cooler pack to prevent degeneration? Are they shipped within the states by US mail, FedEx or UPS? Thank you
Hi Mary,
That’s a very good question. Probiotics, even for freeze dried probiotics like in Synbiotic 365, don’t want to be too hot or they can die before they reach your intestines. And the probiotics can get hot during shipping.
Synbiotic 365 has already thought of that though. Here’s 3 ways they make sure you get potent probiotics even on a hot day:
So that means that even if some probiotics get too hot during shipment, there is plenty extra to make up for it.
That’s a good question Mary!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi! Can Gut Connect 365 be taken along with Symbiotic 365 OR should a detoxifying fasting process take place FIRST to mend leaky gut before beginning Symbiotic 365?
Hi Eva,
I think it’s fine to take them together. But to be sure it’s right for you, you should ask your doctor in case you have any health conditions that could complicate things.
When it comes to detoxifying fasting, I am not very familiar with that. I’m sorry I can’t answer your question on that.
To your health,
Evan jerkunica
I am really interested in this product, however, I didn’t hear anything mentioned on it’s compatibility with those of us with thyroid issues. Please address this issue so I can evaluate whether this product is beneficial for me. Thank you.
Hi Allison,
That’s a discussion for your and your doctor.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
This product has worked miracles on my stomach. After a week I stopped taking all ulcer and gerd remedies. I also find I am sleeping much better and I am looking forward to seeing what else this product cures. Good gut health is very important to overall well being! I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT.
Hi Donald,
Thank you for sharing!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I want to start this product I have read all your information, but I am allergic to fish. Are there any fish or fish oil ingredients in this product. Ready to purchase if free of thirds.
Hi Deborah,
I spoke with United Naturals and here’s what they said:
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I suffer from Ulcerative colitis looking for a probiotic to help improve my gut. Colonoscopy revealed dysplasia. Not going to be able to reverse this put hopefully prolong surgery. Would you recommend Synbiotic 365 to help??
Hi Benjamin,
You’d have to speak with your gastroenterologist to be sure.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
My husband and I both started using, the probiotic, Symbiotic 365, about a year ago. We both were suffering with gut problems and had tried several items. We have been very impressed with the change, in our life. This is an excellent probiotic. I just ordered another supply of Symbiotic 365. Thanks!
Hi Shelby,
That’s great news for your and your husband!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Good evening Evan! What month/year did you write this review please? Thank you in advance for your reply.
Hi Dana,
I originally wrote it November, 2018.
But, I keep adding and updating it as new questions are asked, or the formula is changed.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I purchase your product a year ago and am just getting around to taking it. Will it still have its strength and effectiveness?
Hi Debra,
I spoke with United Naturals, and they said:
So it should be fine as long as it was stored well.
Evan Jerkunica
I have been taking Synbiotic 365 for 3 months now and have lost 18 lbs and feel absolutely wonderful. I no longer have bloating and have more energy! I highly recommend this!
Hi Deb,
Thank you for sharing your experience.
Evan Jerkunica
Is there anywhere in London UK to buy this product and if not, do you ship?
Hi Tracie,
I don’t believe they directly ship to England. But, there are services where you can have the product shipped to a USA address, and they’ll forward it on to your England address.
Evan Jerkunica
Finally, a Product that has my GI tract back on track. I’ve had trouble for at least 2 decades and now I’m normal again…
Hey Joyce,
I’m glad to hear it.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I am using a multi vitamin with Biotin, (5,000 mcg), Antioxidants, (Vit C & E), Vit B6 (4.3mg), & Vit B12 ( 9 mcg), per serving. Primarily for hair, skin & nails. Can I continue taking these while using your product?
Hi Kathryn,
Ultimately you would need to check with your doctor. I haven’t heard of anything bad happening from taking more than recommended B vitamins, but you could have an underlying condition that your doctor would be able to advise you about correctly and safely.
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Will this help someone with fatty liver?
Hi Erwina,
I would speak with your doctor on what to do. There is a slight chance though that due to the weight loss properties of the L gasseri strain that is in this product, it could help reduce weight, and that might possibly help with NAFLD. You would need to speak with a doctor thought to be sure – there may be other considerations so please check with yoru doctor.
Evan Jerkunica
Where do i re-order?
Hi Shelia,
You can reorder here:
Evan Jerkunica
I have been taking for 6 days. To day was the best I have felt in a long time.
Hi Lisa,
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hello. So I’m just wondering after watching Dr. Pedre’s video on this product claiming their is marshmallow root,quercetin, and Lglutimine but I do not notice it in the list of ingredients?
Hi Stephanie,
That is their GutConnect 365 product. I review it here:
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have had stomach issues for years and the symptoms kept getting worse this past year. Everything I ingested caused pain, bloating, and diarrhea. I started GutConnect 365 Oct.15 and I have not had any stomach issues since I have taken it. I can eat salad again without pain! I love this product! It has changed my life! Thank you!
Hi Charlene,
Thanks for sharing – glad it’s working for you!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
First pill i took i woke the next morning and was able to just get out of bed. I haven’t been able to do this in a year. I usually have these stretching attacks and it takes me hours to move. I am eating my oatmeal and realized i was up and moving. True miracle thank you for synbiotic 365 . Im in im going to be spreading the word!! Amazing!! Thanks so much!! No one paid me to say any of this i want to add to my notes! If you have an autoimmune disease, try this I’ve been misurable for a year. No more prednizone. Thank God!!!
Hi Gretchen,
Thank you for sharing!
To your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi, I’m in Quebec, Canada
I clicked to order 3 boxes. I get the cost in us $.
It’s written free shipment but I guess it will not be free in quebec. Unfortunately there is no way to know how much it will cost me in cdn$ + shipment before I provide my credit card number and confirm the order. Then, it will be too late . We should be able to get the total amount of our order before confirming and providing our credit card info.
Thank you
This is unfortunate.
Hi Johanne,
If you show Canadian customs/shipping costs to United Naturals, they will reimburse you.
Evan Jerkunica
Just started taking this supplement, and so far I love it. It is the first full week of taking the stuff and I notice a big difference in how I feel, my mood, my energy. I suffer with chron’s and if you know what that is it’s a devastating diagnosis. I weigh 96lbs and my digestive system is temperamental. Everything I eat gives me gas, bloating, cramps, and so much uneasiness. I have issues with my skin resulting from all the inflammatory responses going on at once in my body. When my doc asks how I feel I usually just describe my stomach as vial. I also suffer from several vitamin deficiencies related to chron’s, malnutrition, and such fatigue. When starting this I was skeptical but I am already a believer. As when I first wake up my stomach is so masy and vial that when I first take this in the morning in about 20 mins after I get it down it’s like magic. No more pressure in my gut from bloating, no tenderness, and it makes my insides feel like normal.
Hi Charlotte,
This is great! I’m glad for you.
Evan Jerkunica
Love these probiotics they work so well!
Great Madeline!! I also like them.
is this product stomach acid resistant as well?
Hi Rez,
Yes it is.
Evan Jerkunica
I’m a very satisfied customer with only 4 days of use of this product! All bloating has been eleviated and gut free discomfort! I’m so pleased with this product and it’s quick ability to reduce and react to my gut issues that I am recommending it to my family and friends!
Grateful Customer
Buenos días , ya llevo un tiempo tomando los probióticos me he sentido bien , los sugerí a una persona pero me pregunto acerca de la cápsula?me pregunta si la cápsula se disuelve en el estómago o va directo al intestino y no le pude responder porque no lo sé no he escuchado en ningún comentario acerca de esto? Me gustaría escuchar acerca , Gracias:
Hola Ruth,
Se disuelve en el intestino grande.
~Evan Jerkunica
I bought gut connected 365, can I use Synbiotic 365 at the same time?
Hi Aybek,
Yup – sounds fine to me.
Evan Jerkunica
Hello, I just received my order. Three boxes of Synbiotic 365 and one bottle of Enzyme 365. I want to know if I can take 2Capsules of Synbiotic 365 and 1 Capsule of Enzyme 365 at the same time?
Thank you for your time.
Hi Therese,
Personally, I take enzymes with a meal.
Can I take symbiotic 365 and gutconnect 365 every day at the same time?
Hi Robert,
I don’t see why not!
Evan Jerkunica
Your supposed to have good customer service. I read through several Articles and did not find a phone number at all. I would like to call you in discuss a few things
As a cancer survivor I’m all messed up … took these for about 9 months n all was great …. stopped for about another 8-9 months n got into trouble… started up again 2 months ago and OMG. I’m back!!!! Love these, won’t stop again. Got my adult G-Kids hooked too!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Hi Starla,
Thank you for sharing :) I hope you and your G-kids continue to feel great!
Evan Jerkunica