(FYI in some research studies, Bifidobacterium lactis was thought to be B. animalis or streptococcus lactis.)
Bifidobacterium Lactis is a very powerful transient probiotic bacteria. Scientific studies have proven that B. Lactis enhances immunity, fights tumor growth, improves digestion and can lower cholesterol.
B. animalis/lactis inhabit the intestines & the colon in great numbers. Generally, their job is to break down body waste & aid in the absorption of various vitamins & minerals
Bifido Lactis is present in raw milk and is used as starter culture for cheese, cottage cheese and butter milk.
And there we have it! Bifidobacterium Lactis has a huge number of benefits that come from these wonderful good bacteria.
Synbiotic 365 has large amounts of B lactis, and is rated a 5 star probiotic by Probiotics.org
Click here to read Synbiotic 365 review
Review Rating:
You should click here to read the full review of Synbiotic 365
Want to buy the best probiotics for you and your health? Then you should click here to download the Probiotics Buying Guide.
read Canine Daily Care review.
Two questions:
1) Should you take a combination of Lactobacillus acidophilus and B. lactis that some of the older probiotics pills contain? or is it wise to go with the newer Bifidobacteria strains found in products like Align, Danon, etc. that has only one type of strain and not the other acidophilus in them?
2) Very Very Important… Most people will try many different types of probiotics till they find the ones best suited for them. So it is wise to experiment with different types of probiotics brands over a course of few months to a year. Can it do harm by having different types of bacteria in your system? (ie. B. bifidum, B. longum, B. infantis, B. lactis). Can they mutate into something else that can do harm by mixing and experimenting with different over-the-counter brands available these days??
1) I would recommend trying both separately, and then seeing which one works best for you. You can tell your probiotics are working by your symptoms disappearing or by seeing cleansing symptoms: https://probiotics.org/side-effects-of-probiotics/
Our bodies are not all the same, and you need to guess and check which one will work.
2) There is very little danger of this approach. Our bodies have at least 500 strains of probiotic bacteria in them, and God knows how many neutral bacteria or pathogenic strains of bacteria!
That being said, if you taking the probiotics makes you feel like you’re dying or getting very sick (beyond typical side effects: https://probiotics.org/side-effects-of-probiotics/ ), then stop taking them!!
hi…thank u at 1st for such a informative site. my Q. is, if i use Dr ohhira’s probiotic, can i use also this product “Dr Ayurveda” or are there any side effect? it’s a food supplement….
I don’t know of any bad interactions between those two substances. But as always, trust the signals your body gives you, and check with a doctor.
I have ra and take drugs that supress my immune system,, I take a probiotic that has 15 billion of bifodobacterium lactis in it but read above that this helps the T cells acticity which the remicade blocks the T cells or Tnfi is this something that would interfer with my RA treament, my dr did not know.
I am not sure which effect would win out. Probiotics strength your immune system, and remicade blocks some types of immune response.
Research is needed.
It’s an impressive list of benefits. Each one should have a footnote or hotline to the scientific support, if any, for the claim, so readers can examine the experiments and data themselves, and draw their own conclusions about how persuasive that data is towards the purported benefit.
That’s a good idea.
Also, if you click on the “show references” link at the bottom of the article you can see all 18 references.
Stick to probiotics that only use lactobacillus and bifido bacteria. Especially avoid probiotics that include pathogenic bacteria from the Enterococcus family such as E. Faecalis and E. Faecium. Also be aware that Bacillus coagulans is often mislabeled as Lactobacillus Sporogenes.
can lactose intolerant people take L lactis?
should be fine :D
But as always, start with a small does, and see how your body responds. I have never met you so I can’t say for sure.
Can you take Olive Leaf Extract when you may get a cold while at the same time taking a probiotic like Align?
yes that’s fine. Just make sure you drink lots of water.
Would you please tell me where I can purchase a probiotic containing Bifidobacterium
Thanks in advance!!
Hi Stephanie,
Here’s a link to a Renewlife product that has Bifidobacterium Lactis:
Renew Life Ultimate Flora Critical Colon Capsules, 30 Count
I just started my daughter on Florajen for kids for constipation. The Activa reccomended by her doctor netted no changes over 7 months and the pharmacist reccomended this. It has the following Ingredients:
A freeze-dried strain of live:
Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07—over 3.5 billion
Bifidobacterium lactis HN019—over 1 billion
Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM—over 1 billion
Lactobacillus rhamnosus HN001—over 0.5 billion
The doctor also has me giving my daughter miralax for constipation, should this be discontinued? I don’t like giving her the Miralax if it can be avoided.
Hi Kristin,
I personally believe that Activia is a weak probiotic supplement (with lots of sugar!!) and I am a bit sad that a highly trained doctor would recommend it.
I’d say the Florajen is a much stronger supplement and you will have a better chance of getting results from it.
I believe if your child has trouble going, then you need to do what you can to get things moving…even if those laxatives can be a bit harsh. That being said, I would try and taper off its usage and see if things go better after the probiotic supplement has had some time to colonize your wonderful daughter
are bifidus and bifidobacterium Lactis BB-12 the same bacteria, the same thing?
Hey Karen,
They are not the same.
Bifidus just describes a large family of bacteria. B. Lactis BB-12 is a member of the bifidus family. Specifically, the family includes:
And many more strains.
I’m taking a Natural 4X Probiotic which contains 4 strains of Natural Bacteria.
Bifodobacterium Infantis 10 mg
Bifodobacterium Infantis Strain SD-5845
Probiotic Blend:
1. B lactis
2. B. longum
3. B. Bifidum, all three amount to 15 Mg.
Total Live probiotic cells when manufactured 5-Billion, Gradual Release Caplet.
Question: Doctor says I need Acidophilus or Lactobacillus, is the above the same as this?
Thank you
Hi Carolyn,
To get Lactobacillus probiotics you need strains that start with “L”. For example, L. Acidophilus.
Those strains all start with “B”, which stands for Bifidobacterium. And none of those have acidophilus.
So that blend is not what your doctor is recommending!
My son has Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and I am wondering if giving him Probiotic Acidophilus with Lactis would help him. He has always been somewhat irregular, going every third day consistently, but it is always a little difficult. Also, his cousin has the same disease and contracted cdiff not too long ago. He is much further in the disease as he is 10 yrs older and further along. I would like to try and prevent my son getting to a point where his good bacteria is compromised. Help?
Hi Becky,
I haven’t read anything specific on that condition. I’m sorry. But it may be worth a try.
Hi there. I have an 11 y/o with GI problems and autism. Been reading a lot about intestinal impermeability and the benefits of probiotics. Would you mind telling me where I can purchase the probiotic bacteroides fragilis (b. fragilis)? I am looking for something in a yogurt/smoothie variety. Due to textural concerns, I think that would be the easiest consumed.
Additionally, my 2 y/o has constipation/impaction issues…is there a probiotic that is safe for her that I can use to help her system return to intestinal regularity?
Thank you so much for any help you can offer!!
Hi Heather,
Thank you for your question. This past month I’ve been hearing alot about B. fragilis. Here’s an article I read that you might find interesting: http://www.autismspeaks.org/science/science-news/good-bacteria-ease-autism-behaviors-mouse-model
I don’t know of any yogurt/smoothie/pill products that contain the B. fragilis probiotic. Sorry about that. I will keep my ears to the ground though.
Regarding a probiotic for your 2 y/o, my friend’s infant did had symptom improvement from this Renew-Life infant probiotic.
Best of luck :)
Thank you for this useful information. I would like to find out whether overuse of B. Lactis probiotics has any side effects?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Unal,
Most probiotics have similar side effects. Please read this page to find out more: side effects of probiotics.
does your product contain bifidobacteria B.L66-5
Which product are you discussing Neil?
Looking to buy Trilac. Can’t find it anywhere. The only difference I see in this vs. the probiotic I am currently taking I a bifidobacterium animalis. Any suggestions? Please
Hi Kris,
I’m sorry that you can’t find those anymore.
B. Animalis is the same as B. A great probiotic with B. Lactis is Primal Defense.
Please let me know how it works out!!
I recently purchased a product called UltraFlora Balance by a company called Metagenics. It contains B. Lactis and L.Acidophilus. Was wondering if anybody had taken it before and had good results. I’ve only heard good things but we all are different. Thanks
Hi Brian,
I haven’t taken their probiotics, but I have taken their other lines of supplements in the past – they have are generally been good for me.
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi, my four and a half year old has been diagnosed with celiac and I’ve red about the believed benefits of B lactis. Do you have any suggestions for brands that could help?
Hi Sarah,
It is possible that the anti-inflammatory benefits of Bifidobacterium Lactis could help…if you your child is exposed to gluten.
I’d check out RAW Organic Probiotic Kids – it has B. Lactis in it.
to your child’s health,
Evan Jerkunica
It is also excellent for preventing kidney stones. I have a congenital defect that makes it easy for me to produce kidney stones, I have produced hundreds over the years and had 23 operations to remove the ones I couldn’t pass. I started taking bifidobacterium Lactos and it has now been 2 and 1/2 years since I’ve had a stone. I got the tip from a study done in Boston of 250 people who had stones and 250 who didn’t, the ones that didn’t have stones, had this bacteria in their intestines. The ones who made stones, did not have it. Best I take it I say, cause people are more likely to get stones the older they get.
Hi Carole,
Thank you for the tip – very interesting!
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi, I suggest trying kefir, both the milk and water varieties. Large variety of probiotic strains and yeasts. I have had leaky gut/IBS for a number of years, started fermenting veggies using normal capsule based probiotics as mentioned above. This helped to a degree. And then started using kefir about 2 weeks or so ago. Cant believe the difference it has made. On blood tests, my gut sensitivity count has dropped by 30%. Worth investigating.
Hi Llevron,
Thank you for sharing!
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Is there a difference between Bifidobacterium Lactis bb-12 and Bifidobacterium Lactis BI-04 ?
Thank you
Hi Dominique,
Those are two strains of the same probiotic species.
Think of them as cousins.
Technically, a research study that found a benefit for B Lactis bb-12 do not 100% of the time apply for benefits found for B. Lactis BI-04…and vise versa. But they effects are often assumed to be similar if not the same.
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I have wanted to start taking a vitamin but listed b lactis and l acidophilus
Don’t know if it has dairy properties
Please help
Hi Mamabee,
Check on the label of your probiotic to see if it has dairy ingredients, or is dairy free.
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
How do i order these products if i live in bournemouth u.k
Hi Simone,
You can try using a mail-forwarding service to ship outside the USA.
Typically these will ship to a USA address, and then that company will ship it further to your UK location.
Enjoy the B. Lactis probiotics!
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
Hi i have leaky gut that started form having h pylori and candida. I am having a lot of trouble finding the right probiotic to heal this issue. What do you recommend for this problem. I have sever constipation also.
Hi Arthur,
I’d use the Digest Strong – Probiotic Man Blend.
It’s a probiotic for men with digestive issues, especially leaky gut.
< a href="https://probiotics.org/digest-strong-review/">You should click here to read the full review of this product.
Feel better!
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
I`ve recently been diagnosed with IBS and was recommended by the specialist to go on the FODMAP diet. Yesterday I bought a probiotic formula containing Lactobacillus acidophilus – 40 billion and Bifidobacterium lactis – 10 billion. I have already noticed a huge improvement, but I did also start drinking lactose free milk as part of the FODMAP requirement yesterday. How will I know which is working for me if I have started them both at the same time and with the probiotic, how long will I need to take it before it becomes unneccessary, or do I just take it indefinitely? Thanks.
Hi Chrissy – these are great questions.
If you stop taking the B. Lactis for 2 weeks, most of the effect from the probiotic will likely be gone.
Also, you could consider having the same milk you used to have.
What do you think?
to your health,
Evan Jerkunica
It is great blog post about Bifidobacterium lactis. Helpful and Informative blog. I like it. Thanks for sharing these information with us.